Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Does your deodorant provide you the protection you need to live fearlessly? Secret Outlast Clear Gel can!

A week ago I received my first Influenster box which included Secret Outlast deodorant. When I got the box, I must admit that it was my first time seeing several of the products, but the Secret was one brand that I was very familiar with. Even though I have used the regular secret in the past, I had never had the pleasure of using the Outlast version. Before I give you my thoughts on the product, I thought it would be great to give you a little background information on Secret Outlast.  When I got the product, I did some research to see what set this Secret different from every other deodorant out there.  With my research, I found that there were two basic feature of the Outlast, one was 48 hour protection and the other was no more white marks. If you have ever been getting dressed and mistakenly applied your deodorant before putting your shirt on then you probably have been a victim of the white mark bandit. Well with Outlast, that is not a problem because it was created with a special formula which makes it adhere to your skin so it does not rub off onto her clothing. Outlast is able to do this because it is made with fast drying ingredients which seem to evaporate in seconds, which is much faster than many other deodorants that I have tried. The next feature of Outlast is that it provides 48 hour protection. Secret Outlast was
Clinically tested to work in some of the hottest and most stressful environments.  The greatest claim that Outlast makes is that is “captures odor and releases a fresh scent”. I thought that this was a cool feature to have in your deodorant.  It is also made to act as an odor detective and stop it before it even gets started. As if this was not enough, the PH of Outlast is designed to minimize bacteria that cause nasty odors; by doing this Secret last longer than many other deodorants, providing you 48 hour protection.  What makes Outlast even better is the fact that you get all these great features for the great price of $4. 
Up until recently, I have used Suave because it can often be found on sale, and it tends to work well for my activity level.  A little over a month ago I started getting more active at the gym and I found that my current deodorant was not keeping up with all my hard work. I found that I often had to reapply throughout the day and after a great work out, I no longer had that great spring fresh smell I had before I started. Well, shortly after receiving my box, I decided to put Outlast to the test and see if it was able to hold up to its promise of proving 48 hour odor and wetness protection. Just like on any other day, I applied my Outlast after my shower and proceeded with getting ready for my day. At one point I thought I had made a mistake in my dressing routine because I applied the Outlast before I got dressed.  This would have been an issue with my other deodorant which would have left white streak marks on my shirt as I pulled it on but this was no problem for my outlast deodorant because shortly after applying the clear gel, it had dried up so there was no nasty white marks or streaks left on my shirt as I tried to put it on.  So I guess that is one point for Secret Outlast because it was able to come through on their claim of no white marks.  I must admit that I usually do not like the gel deodorants because I do not feel that they do a good job of providing adequate protection but this did not seem to be an issue with the Outlast. Later that afternoon after running all kinds of errands, I stopped by the gym for two cardio classes and after over an hour and a half of intense sweating the clean, fresh smell of the Outlast I had applied earlier that morning was still going strong. I was quite impressed with how it had continued to offer me great coverage and protection even after such an intense workout. Once again, Secret Outlast was able to come through on their claim that it is “designed to work in even the most hot, humid, and stressful situations”

In regards to the actual product, I found that the Secret Outlast had a clean and fresh smell which was not too over powering.  The one thing that I did not like about my Secret Outlast is that the size that I received seemed to run out quicker than my normal solid did.  Despite this issue, I feel that it is a product that I would purchase again. Overall, I felt that the Secret Outlast was able to do exactly what it stated it was designed to do; it maintained its fresh smell throughout my intense workouts, and it did not produce the nasty white marks like other deodorants. If you have hang up over using gel deodorants, and you are tired of those nasty white marks, than this is the product that may change your mind. If you have never tried Secret Outlast it is definitely a product that you should try.  With Secret Outlast, You no longer have to worry about doing the ‘Deo Dance,’ but check out Bravo star, Jenni Pulos before she heard about Secret Outlast at  Outlast is definitely a product that I would recommend to my friends and family because I feel that it works great. With the help of Secret Outlast, you can finally live your life Fearlessly!

 I received this product complimentary for testing and review purposes from Influenster. All opinions in this review are my own.  

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